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Terms & Conditions

Quotations from #SheDIDIT are valid for one (1) month. These quotations, as well as the information and attachments provided, are not binding and are submitted to the client for informational purposes only. An agreement is only established when #SheDIDIT signs or confirms the client’s order in writing. Any errors in this confirmation must be reported in writing by the client within 4 working days from the date of the confirmation. Changes, additions, or extensions to the service order are only valid with explicit and written confirmation from #SheDIDIT.

Price quotations and order forms are based on current wages, service provider fees, (administration) costs, material prices, etc. If these change, #SheDIDIT reserves the right to adjust prices proportionally. The client waives the right to cancel the order due to a price change based on an objective reason.

Execution deadlines are indicative. Mere exceeding of these deadlines does not entitle the client to compensation or dissolution of the agreement.

Complaints about the services provided must be reported in writing and by registered mail within 8 working days to the relevant #SheDIDIT department. The client cannot invoke a complaint to suspend or refuse payments.

All invoices are sent via email with the client’s consent. The client is responsible for providing a correct and current email address for the (electronic) invoices. The client is liable for not receiving an invoice due to an email address change, technical error, spam filter, or full mailbox. An electronic invoice is deemed to be received on the day of sending, regardless of actual receipt. A paper invoice is deemed received on the third day after the postmark date.

#SheDIDIT agents are not authorized to receive payments or sign valid receipts. #SheDIDIT invoices are payable within thirty (30) days from the invoice date. Any costs related to the payment, as well as all taxes and other possible charges, are borne by the client. Anyone placing orders on behalf of third parties or requesting invoices to third parties will be personally liable for the payment, even if #SheDIDIT has agreed to this invoicing method. Complaints regarding the invoicing must be submitted in writing and by registered mail within eight days of receipt to the relevant #SheDIDIT department, including the invoice date and number. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, interest of 1% per month is due from the due date by law, without prior notice. In case of late payment of one invoice, all outstanding amounts become immediately due by law. Additionally, a fixed compensation of 10% of the invoice amount (minimum €65) is due by law, or a reasonable compensation for all relevant collection costs caused by the delay. #SheDIDIT reserves the right to claim full compensation for actual damage if higher. #SheDIDIT can offset mutual claims at any time, even in case of bankruptcy or any other insolvency procedure of the client. This offsetting applies regardless of the subject, form, or origin of the mutual claims. Offsetting by the client is not allowed. In case of late payment, #SheDIDIT reserves the right to suspend further services and consider the agreement dissolved for the whole or the unfulfilled part.

If the service ordered under this agreement is unilaterally canceled by the client, a compensation of 30% of the agreed price is due. Cancellation for paid activities is only possible in writing up to one week before the activity. After this period, the full registration fee remains due. #SheDIDIT reserves the right to cancel the activity if circumstances force it, despite all efforts. In such cases, the full registration fee will be refunded.

The client is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to #SheDIDIT in the context of a service order. The client is responsible for assessing whether the services provided by #SheDIDIT meet their needs. The client agrees to indemnify #SheDIDIT against any third-party claims arising from the provision of incorrect information.

When applying for a certificate of origin, the client is responsible for the accuracy of the information and the authenticity of the documents provided to #SheDIDIT. The client agrees to indemnify #SheDIDIT against any third-party claims arising from issuing a certificate of origin based on incorrect information or documents provided by the client.

#SheDIDIT is only liable for written advice and guarantees. The commitments of #SheDIDIT are best-effort obligations. Any damage suffered or caused by the application of the provided information in the context of a service order is entirely at the client’s expense. #SheDIDIT is not liable for indirect damage, minor errors, or damage caused by its employees. In the event of liability, it is limited to the amount covered by the #SheDIDIT liability insurance. Upon request, the identity of the liability insurer and the coverage amount can be provided. If no coverage is possible, any liability claim is limited to half of the amount paid by the client for the relevant services.