A host of methods, useful tips & tricks and testimonials from inspiring role models to help tomorrow’s entrepreneurs, young people, develop their talents and guide them in realising an idea, project or dream. (Only available in Dutch)

Discover how you, as a youth worker, pedagogical employee or teacher, can encourage young people to realise their dreams.

Entrepreneurial skills are today recognised as essential for future professionals. Young people need to be prepared for entrepreneurship, whether as self-employed or employees. At the same time, we see that schools are becoming more diverse, as is the labour market and society in general. However, there is a lack of methods to work around entrepreneurship ánd young people ánd diversity.
This is where project #SheDIDIT aims to help. #SheDIDIT is a unique platform for female entrepreneurial talent across ethnic-cultural backgrounds. It highlights women from migrant backgrounds and supports them in realising their dreams. After two years of #SheDIDIT, the question came up to share experiences on fostering diverse entrepreneurship. #SheDIDIT wants to adjust the image of ‘the entrepreneur’ and share as many stories of entrepreneurs with diverse roots as possible, and help them realise their dreams. This book is for anyone who wants to work with young people – both girls and boys – on diversity and entrepreneurship, both within an educational school project and beyond. It offers tips and exercises, countless stories and testimonies of diverse entrepreneurs and a tool for going through an entrepreneurial journey with young people step by step.

Karijn Bonne, author of the book, is Head of Research and Development of the expertise network Business and Management at Arteveldehogeschool and is a researcher at #SheDIDIT. Diversity is what drives her and the common thread in a lot of her research, combined with entrepreneurship over the last 10 years. She calls herself an intrapreneur and has a tremendous admiration for entrepreneurs.
Together, Lien Warmenbol and Siham Zarkan keep #SheDIDIT running on a daily basis. If you would like to learn more about #SheDIDIT services and/or call on our expertise, feel free to email us: hello@shedidit.be
Online material
Here you can find all the online material from the book. These are downloadable documents, Youtube videos, references to other organisations,…

- H2: What is #SheDIDIT?
- H3: Who is behind #SheDIDIT?
- H4: Why #SheDIDIT?
H5: #SheDIDIT methods to encourage female diverse entrepreneurship
H6: Research: how do girls perceive diverse female entrepreneurship in Flanders

- H7: #SheDIDIT Design Your Business tool (DYB)
- H8: Session 1: Translate your talent and passion into an entrepreneurial idea
- H9: Session 2: Market analysis in DYB tool
- H10: Session 3: #SheDIDIT goes to school, a diverse entrepreneur in the classroom
- H11: Session 4: Sales and distribution strategy in DYB tool
- H12: Session 5: Marketing in the DYB Tool
- H13: Session 6: Customers in DYB tool
- H14: Session 7: Future in DYB tool